During April we’ve had one of the most anticipated events that takes place each semester in our nursery: the visit from Zoolab. They are a company that brings small animals and large insects into education settings, so that children can have a close encounter with these creatures, learning more about their habits, preferences, and habitats.

The bravest children also have a chance to touch or pet the visitors and feel the different textures and temperatures.

Fun fact: on most occasions, children will fearlessly go straight to petting the animals and insects, whereas the adults are the ones who will give it a second thought before taking a chance.

Our ranger, George, was super friendly and knowledgeable, and he turned the visit into a learning opportunity for everyone involved, as he shared some interesting or fun facts that kept children and adults alike entertained.

On this visit, the guests of honour were:

Blondie the Tarantula 🕷️

Roger the Snake 🐍

Frodo the Frog 🐸

Mick the Millipede 🐛

Last, but not least, Mick the Millipede (or shongololo as our South African friends would call it).