On Friday 28th of April we celebrated Superhero Day. When first asked, most children were quick to mention the likes of Superman, Batman or Spider Man. However, to really honour the day, we shifted the conversation into the heroes within our community, people like doctors, nurses, teachers, lollipop men and women, firefighters, and even mummies and daddies, all of them working to make the world a better and safer place. When talking about these everyday superheroes, some words that came up were ‘safe’, ‘rescue’, ‘help’ and ‘power’, all worthy of the mightiest heroes and heroines.
In the baby room we focused on the people who helps keep us healthy, our doctors and nurses. The little Discoverers got a chance to dress up as these heroic beings, role playing how to put bandages or give medications to make their teachers and peers feel better. The babies also talked about the different transports used by healthcare professionals, such as ambulances or even the helicopter! We also had the opportunity to colour different doctors and nurses with their uniforms, and the older babies even got to draw their own version of these heroes.

In the Preschool Room, we talked about the different everyday heroes in the community, the ways they help us, and why they play such an important role. To do this, in addition to our circle times, we also used books that talk about ‘people who help us’. The Inventors did some mark making to represent the different professions, using various tools to carefully draw and paint the uniforms. All of the pretend play corners also became ‘superhero’ corners for the day, so children had the opportunity to dress up as their favourite community heroes, and role play the different actions that make their work so impactful.