On the 26th of August, we decided to anticipate the arrival of the annual Caribbean celebration that is the Notting Hill Carnival, by hosting our very own celebration.

This was an amazing opportunity to expand our children’s cultural capital, by exploring different aspects of the Caribbean culture, while also bringing a happy vibe into the nursery.

On the day, both children and staff dressed in bright and colourful outfits, and we played some Caribbean music featuring some characteristic sounds, such as the steel drums and maracas. From babies to preschoolers, everyone had a chance to show off their dance moves to the tropical beats.
For our babies, this celebration also prompted a carnival-themed sensory exploration, with different resources like bright-coloured feathers, pompoms and cards, using their senses to explore the different characteristics of each material, while also spreading some colour around the room.

We also had a tropical fruit tasting, where our children got to explore different tastes, smells, and textures; and as it wouldn’t be a true tropical food tasting without it, we also had the children help us in making some fried plantain, which they enjoyed during snack time.
To complete the day, children from all three rooms had a little Carnival parade around the Loxfords area, spreading the joyful, festive vibes with our neighbours -music and dancing included!